Everything You Need To Know Regarding Becoming a Children’s Book Illustrator

Becoming a children’s book illustrator is the perfect way to combine creativity, passion, and storytelling. It is an incredibly rewarding job that requires dedication and hard work. Knowing what traits, skills, and education you need in order to succeed in this field can be the first step in helping you realize your dream of becoming a children’s book illustrator. Let’s take a look at what it takes.

Creativity is Key

The most important trait for any aspiring illustrator is creativity. You must be able to come up with interesting ideas that will capture the attention of young readers. Your illustrations should be able to bring stories alive through colorful images that will draw readers into the world you create on paper or screen.

One way to practice your creativity is by sketching or doodling every day – even if it’s just for fun! This will help you develop your style and become more comfortable with expressing yourself artistically.

Technical Skills

As well as being creative, you also need technical skills in order to become an illustrator. Depending on the type of illustration work you are doing, these skills can include knowledge of design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

You may also need knowledge of web design for creating digital illustrations for websites or apps as well as traditional drawing skills for illustrating books and other printed material. It is important to stay up-to-date with new technology so that you can take advantage of new tools and techniques when they become available.

Education Requirements

Education is another key factor in becoming a professional illustrator. While there are no formal educational requirements to become an illustrator, many employers prefer applicants who have at least an associate degree or some college experience in fields such as art or graphic design. Having a degree in illustration may also give you access to internships which can provide valuable hands-on experience in the field before embarking on a career as an illustrator.


Becoming a successful children’s book illustrator requires dedication and hard work but it can also be incredibly rewarding! It helps if you have natural creativity along with technical skills like knowledge of design software and web design, plus some formal education either through college programs or internships related to illustration work.

With the right combination of traits, skills, and education under your belt, there’s nothing stopping you from achieving your dreams!